Product application
Caustic Soda Application
Water Treatment
Chemical and petrochemical


Soaps and detergents
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Our main assets are our customers
Customer satisfaction is our priority and we will make every effort to achieve their satisfaction and sustainable t business. We know your needs based on our experience and will take steps in this direction. We try to be the best for you by providing quality goods, always be available for customers, checking the goods several times until the final stage before sending the goods and also choosing the best shipping routes.

Caustic Soda
Sodium hydroxide is an alkali salt which is also called caustic soda or Lye is a powerful compound with the formula NaOH. This is an ionic compound containing sodium Na + cation and anion OH hydroxide.
Caustic Soda is solid, white and odorless, it is available in the solid form in flakes or granular form. Caustic soda flakes can easily absorb moisture and this can cause the flakes to stick together, so it’s important to use appropriate laminated bags and shipping.